Puppies are Forever
December is a time for gift giving. Give the gift of education with these revolutionary women of nature and animal studies. They show that animals are forever and a commitment that will last beyond a holiday Instagram story. Learn about the lives of Joy Adamson and Jane Goodall and the women that inspire Betty and Vivienne on Episode Five of Revolution Rosies! Puppies are a Forever
Visit us on facebook.com/revolutionrosies, instagram @RevolutionRosies and on twitter @RevolutionRosys. Please email your art, your inspirational women and stories about amazing things you have done to revolutionrosies@gmail.com
Music by Electro Cult Circus
Logo by Amanda Braskett
Researched and Produced by Vivenne Vega & Betty LeRoux
Check out images to go along with each month's women and added bonuses by following us on Instagram and Facebook. @revolutionrosies