Revolution Rosies Live at CCC2019
In this episode Vivienne and Betty talk about some badass women of their home town, Columbus, Oh at the Columbus Covers Columbus Fesitival 2019.We cover everything from Celebrity Chefs with a little extra herb in the pot to the first lady to fly around the globe and in between each of our chosen Rosies you'll hear top unsung female artist picks from the crowd at the festival. Thank you to Tony Casa for having us at the festival and William Mount for the use of his equipment, please take time to check out Tony's band Zoo Trippin' and William's podcast Sounds of Bustown. Smear Lipstick and Raise Hell!
Visit us on, instagram @RevolutionRosies and on twitter @RevolutionRosys. Please email your art, your inspirational women and stories about amazing things you have done to
Music by Electro Cult Circus
Logo by Amanda Braskett
Researched and Produced by Vivenne Vega & Betty LeRoux
Check out images to go along with each month's women and added bonuses by following us on Instagram and Facebook. @revolutionrosies