Fucking Vote
As the November election closes in Betty and Vivienne insists you fucking vote with our women in politics!! We explore India with Indira Gandhi and the American system with Shirley Chisholm and two women we love Bianca Coal and Megan. ALSO! We celebrate the engagement of Betty LeRoux and Dandy LongLegs! Visit us on facebook.com/revolutionrosies, instagram @RevolutionRosies and on twitter @RevolutionRosys. Please email your art, your inspirational women and stories about amazing things you have done to revolutionrosies@gmail.com
Music by Electro Cult Circus
Logo by Amanda Braskett
Researched and Produced by Vivenne Vega & Betty LeRoux
Check out images to go along with each month's women and added bonuses by following us on Instagram and Facebook. @revolutionrosies